11.Abdullah Bin Umar - The Jurist
Abdul Basit Ahmad
Abdul Basit Ahmad
12.Abu Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah - The Nation's Trustworthy Man
Abdul Basit Ahmad
Abdul Basit Ahmad
13.Abu Dhar Al-Gifari - Struggle for Equality
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Abdul Basit Ahmad
15.Amr bin Al-Aas - The Conqueror of Egypt
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Abdul Basit Ahmad
Marion Khalidi
Marion Khalidi
17.Khalid Bin Waleed (RA) - The Sword of ALLAH
Abdul Basit Ahmad
Due 02/07/16
Abdul Basit Ahmad
Due 02/07/16
18.Az-Zubair bin Al-Awwam - The Disciple
Abdul Basit Ahmad
Abdul Basit Ahmad
19.Suhaib Ar-Roomi - The Example of Sacrifice
Abdul Basit Ahmad
Abdul Basit Ahmad